JPDS Intermediate Salsa Curriculum Checklist: Road to Graduation
Cuddle Walks
Around the World
Halfway Around the World
360 Cross Body Lead (XBL)
Double Turns
Reverse Outside Turns
Hand Tosses
*Ladies Styling: Execute the Following
- Be able to explain the ‘Check’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Checks (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
- Be able to explain the ‘Copa’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Copas (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
- What is the most Common ‘Copa’
- Be able to explain the ‘Basket’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
Cuddle Walks
- Be able to explain the ‘Cuddle Walk’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
Around the World
- Be able to explain the ‘Around the World’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Over Rotate Properly and Accurately
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
Halfway Around the World
- Be able to explain the ‘Around the World’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Over Rotate Properly and Accurately
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
360 Cross Body Lead (XBL)
- Be able to explain the 360 XBL Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
Double Turns
- Full Double no Paddle
- The Set Up/The Launch
- Followers Execute Double Right Turn
- Leaders Execute Double Left Turn
- Proper Signal from Leaders
Reverse Outside Turns
- Be able to explain the ‘Reverse Outside Turns’ Formula
- Execute 4 types of Baskets (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute 4 Ladies’ Styling Apparatuses*
Hand Tosses
- Execute 4 types of Hand Tosses (8 types for Honor Roll)
- Execute ’Salsa Hand’ Ladies styling
- Hammerlocks - 3 Most Important Things
- Keep Hand no further than 1 in from the body
- Keep hand below the waist
- Usually happens on Count ‘6’
- Execute 4 types of Hammerlocks (8 types for Honor Roll)
*Ladies Styling: Execute the Following
- Delay Step
- Samantha Scoop
- Swoops
- Clavicle brushes
- Symmetrical Placement
- Hand Tosses
- Hair Combs
- Reverse Hair Combs
- Shazams
- Solos
- Flair Kicks
- The Cute Right Turn